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Dalby lends itself to be the regional hub of the Western Downs and is a hive of rural enterprise with livestock being a major contributor. The Ray White Rural Livestock team is fronted by David Felsch along with Keegan de Roo, Malcolm Berlin & Mark Gersekowski all of whom hail from rural families and live and breathe livestock! They are passionate about providing accurate and honest advice and obtaining the best possible outcomes for our vendors, in tune with the ever changing market conditions. With access to the weekly Dalby Cattle Sale, feedlot, processor and personal industry contacts, Auctions Plus online auction accreditation and access to the national Ray White Livestock network of agents and offices they have the ability to obtain great results for our vendors and buyers.

The Dalby Regional Saleyards has been operational for over 75 years and draws on average 4,500 head of cattle for sale each week. The saleyards hold a prime position at the intersection of three highways: the Warrego, Bunya and Moonie Highways and thanks to the close proximity to large feedlots and processors, it is ideally located to service both agents and vendors alike. Ray White Livestock Dalby holds a permanent selling position at the Dalby Saleyards weekly Prime and Store cattle sale. Held every Wednesday from 7:30am the Ray White Livestock Dalby team can be found selling in their rostered position (see draw attached). All cattle bookings must be received before 11am on the Tuesday before each sale day. Should you wish to discuss adding cattle to our draw please contact either David, Keegan, Malcolm, Mark or the office.

AuctionsPlus is a market leader in providing online services for the buying and selling of livestock. In these ever increasing technology driven days, by providing access to regular weekly online only sales and video and audio streaming capabilities, AuctionsPlus is quickly becoming an industry leader in online livestock sales and marketing – affording our customers the flexibility to operate from wherever they are! Ray White Livestock Dalby is a fully accredited ActionsPlus assessor and agent. If you would like more information about selling your cattle via the online platform please call the office or one of the agents directly.

Stud Stock is also a keen interest to our team with several members holding close ties to some highly regarded stud operations. The national Ray White Livestock network is key to providing the Dalby branch extra support and marketing opportunities to our Stud sale vendors. The reach to potential buyers has also become greater with the capability of utilising online platforms to livestream the on-farm Stud sales where available.
For any Livestock related queries make no hesitation contacting us via the channels below.

David Felsch –  0488 993 931

Keegan de Roo  – 0407 701 381

Malcolm Berlin – 0437 247 020

Mark Gersekowski – 0461 336 902

SELLING DRAW – Dalby Cattle Sale 2025

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